Emaar's Post Handover Payment Plans

Details for Handover as received from Emaar’s Handover Team that is applicable for all units with a post-handover payment plan for your reference

Units with Post-handover Payment Plan - Residents:

  1. Handover for units with a post-handover payment plan can only be done with owner’s own PDC’s for the remaining instalments (Third Party PDC’s are not allowed)

Units with Post-handover Payment Plan -  Non-Residents who want to lease their units only:

For Non-resident customers residing outside the UAE and don’t have any Post Dated Cheques (PDCs) or Local Bank Guarantee and want to lease their units can follow one of the below options:

  1. Buyer can sign a contract with Emaar to manage the unit on his behalf and Emaar would use third-party PMC with the applicable charges.

  2. If customers prefer to appoint their own PMC we can accommodate their request however, both buyer and the PMC will sign the Appointment of Property Management Company (PMC) with Emaar’s approval.

For both options, the following will be applied:

  • The rental collection will be used against settling the instalments.

  • Customers can bring tenants if they wish to.

  • Units can’t be used for personal usage or for family members.

Units with Post-handover Payment Plan - Non-Residents who want to use for personal use:

Customer who do not reside in the country are still eligible to take handover provided that they provide 3rd party PDC’s with third party undertaking letter.


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